Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Simple Life

If I had to envision what a perfect day would look like, I think it would look like this music video. I enjoy Lisa Mitchell's sweet melodic voice, but I appreciate Vanessa Caswill's vision. Sometimes it's the simple things in life that can make you the happiest.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Boxes are the new black

I came across this photo series documenting a street performance by Courtney Kelly Ziegler, titled Life in a Box, where she walks the streets of Montmarte wearing only a cardboard box. The public reaction is obvious- the stares, the gloating, the awkwardness- but unless you're homeless and live in a box, there is something wonderfully liberating from being taken out of your comfort zone and experiencing life in the raw. I mean, in a box.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Beauty is the Beast

I own a magnifying mirror- a woman's prized possession, as well as her ultimate worst enemy. On the normal side of the mirror, I'm me. A little blemish here or there, maybe my eye brows need a bit of plucking. No biggie. I'm not so bad looking. I can deal. On the magnifying side- I'll need my roommate to escort me out the house with the "Only you see that reflection" speech, until I put her face to face with her reflection magnified x300. $146 of beauty products and an appointment with my beloved esthetician later, I've nicknamed myself SuBo, and I'm eating Arugala lettuce for lunch.

Originally published by Blend Magazine in 2008, Simon Wald-Lasowski's photo series titled "Beauty is the Beast" is based on the assumption that beauty is the imperfection. He brings up an interesting topic that is definitely relatable. Maybe he has a magnifying mirror too.

Monday 1 February 2010

Robo Girl Types

She walks. She probably doesn't talk. She's a 6 foot tall beauty, and apparently has an ass of steel. That's probably what Jeremy Mayer was thinking while he spent his 1,400 hours building Nude IV, aka Delilah. Made entirely out of vintage typewriters (approx. 50), Mayer was inspired by his friends' paintings based on robot women. In a interview, he mentions how he wanted to achieve sexy without being slutty- giving a sexually charged presence while keeping dignity and pride. Mission Accomplished Mayer- you've got great taste in women.